Katastroof - Hetero-man
Ingetipt deur Grytolle
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I'm a hetero-man
and I pak what I can
cos I'm no Jeannne
a he he man
I'm a hetero-hetero-man
I'm hetero-man, walking down the street
like to jump on every woman I meet
love to feel it underneath
thirty centimeter peace of meat
for hetero-man no gold or rubies
but pretty women with big big boobies
hey, you bitch, show all that you can
spek voor den bek of hetero-man
hetero-man is no homo-man
no piepzjanet, no Will Ferdy-fan
for all of you boys I don't give a damn
but furm wijve de vlam in the pan of:
if all you motha-fucking men are gay
hetero-man is no way
you can kiss my ass and suck my lip
but only if you are a lekkere kip
I'm a hetero-man
and I pak what I can
cos I'm no Jeannne
a he he man
I'm a hetero-hetero